Krsto, 28, Graduate Student: As a non-native speaker at a grad program, I often have the most problems with my written assignments. Remembering all the English language rules isn't easy. After I got my first college paper back with lots of corrections and a low score, I knew that I had to get some help. A friend recommended and my papers have never been better. Their professional editors know how to structure a paper. I highly recommend them to anyone struggling with their written assignments.
Jim, 40, Writer and Journalist: When I'm working on a manuscript, I often don't have the objectivity to know what should or shouldn't be included in my work. That's where my editor at comes in and helps me to gain perspective. This has helped me to get more considerations with publishers over the years. I also work part-time as a freelance journalist and there are many stories that have to get out there in-a-hurry. That's why I let the editors at look over everything before I submit them to my boss. Not only will it be impeccably-edited but they always get it back to me before my strict submission deadlines.
Ashley, 25, Blogger: As a prolific blogger on a fashion webpage, I always want to make sure the articles I submit will get published because of their great content. But even if the content is great, the website can decline to publish due to a lot of terrible editing and proofreading mistakes. That's why I always let the editors at look over everything first. Never had a problem getting a blog article published since I started using their services.
Linda, 50, Businesswoman: As a business professional, I'm usually faced with a stack of papers and documents that I have to submit to clients and colleagues in order to make a deal. Because I'm always in a hurry, it's all too easy to make careless mistakes in my documents and presentations. That's why I always let the professional editors at look over everything first before a big meeting or presentation. They ensure that I never have any embarrassing mistakes in my important documents or presentations.